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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Apply Pie a la Sunday

Hey Friends! So a few weeks ago, Mike and I went apple picking as we do each fall (it is New York, you know). Every time, in result, we have an entire peck of apples that we stare at until they go bad and then we toss them out. This fall, I said "no more!" I was determined to eat and use every last apple. Apple picking is not just an experience, ya know - except it is.

My idea? Apple pie. A traditional autumnal go-to. After a bit of Pinteresting (i.e. I typed in "dutch apple pie" and chose the first pin that lead to a recipe) I found this pin.

But first, I had to start drinking. Why? I've never made a pie and the idea of a pie crust from scratch terrified me. Plus - I just do things better while drinking. Exhibit A:

 Not bad, but not awesome. Done while drinking just a little.
My favorite. Done by drinking just a lot.

Exhibit B: it was a Saturday. Case closed.

So first things first. Get all the ingredients together. And there were a lot of ingredients. Nothing should need this many things.
So I got everything together and threw it in bowls and bags and everything else it called for.
Except... the dough was horrible and smelled ridiculous. It didn't roll out, and was just thoroughly disgusting. I thought an entire dough out of shortening was weird, but I was going to roll with it. I had a picture of it, but apparently lost it. But, I did find another pin that said it was "perfect"... how could that be bad? Find it here.
Second go wasn't so bad - less smelly and more dough-like.

So far, looking like a legitimate pie. Not so scary at all, really.
And then I baked it.

Looking less legitimate.
But once cut up and sliced like a pie, it moved slowly but surely back into the legitimate category.
Turns out - this tastes quite good. When you add an ungodly amount of ice cream on top.

According to my husband... because I kind of don't like apple pie. Chuck that up to another pointless pin for me, but useful for my husband.

And if you thought this pin was written weirdly, differently or with a weird tone... it's because I'm trying not to wake the cat. #crazycatperson

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