Simply Saturday is a good day for those "half-asses" like me who really want to do something crafty, but don't really want to spend hours on it.
And that's where
this pin comes in. Now, keep in mind I didn't quite follow the pin as much as used it for inspiration. The lady that created the pin was way more invested in this than I was.
Let me introduce you to my weekly Saturday conversation:
My Husband: what do you want to do today?
Me: Not sure - what do you want to do?
My Husband: I don't know.
*5 minutes later*
My Husband: so... what do you want to do today?
... it gets maddening.
So when I saw this pin I thought (to myself, because my husband would
hate the idea): "hey! Let's take this whole decision thing out of our hands!"
So off I went and found my supplies. (Yes, yes, the lighting sucks in this picture. Walk away, trolls, I'm no professional.)
I also did not want to get all fancy with labels, wood glue, etc. like the pin did, so I came up with a pretty
lazy awesome alternative: good ol' Sharpie. Now, small tidbit of information about me: I have an extensive amount of Sharpies. I'd say I'm not proud, but I'm not one to lie to you guys.
Except, apparently it's nothing to brag about because APPARENTLY I don't own one single Sharpie that normal people would write with. You know, like black. Dark purple was my best bet and my tool of choice for this pin.
I started out by sorting out my sticks by color. Buying multiple colors in one pack was complete happenstance - I thought it would look prettier in the jar - but it started to work out as I wrapped my mind more and more around how I was to do this.
I started categories. That's right - I'm getting organized with this shit.
For red: I decided that would be all the super expensive, once every few years type of "what to do". You know, for those days when my husband asks "What do you want to do today" and I feel like the answer "spend thousands of dollars" would be well-received. Things I included here were cruises, all-inclusives, week-long vacations, etc. And yes, I put in 2 of the same - there are two cruises to Alaska (something my husband has always wanted to do) and two all-inclusives (something I've always wanted to do). Red = stop and think.
For yellow: This is one step back from blowing our savings account to pieces. When we feel like doing something that is still big and a good experience, but can't afford a whole week to dedicate to splurging. Things I included here are weekends away (driving distances) that include hotels, last minute deals listed on AAA (which are usually cheaper) and Groupon Getaways. Yellow = slow your roll, think about it, proceed with caution.
For blue: These are activities that aren't blowing the bank by any means, but they aren't regularly considered cheap or free. I included things here like redecorating/painting a room (we have a lot of projects at the house), going out to a super fancy dinner or going a drive away (45 minutes or so) and hitting up the plethora of wineries and breweries available. I have no other reasoning for this being blue other than it was the 4th color included in my package...
For green: these are the cheap to free things. This will probably be the ones grabbed for on a weekly basis (if I can convince my husband that it is a good idea... ha!) These are the things that we can truly do spontaneously and they don't take much commitment (Netflix day) or much money (try a new local restaurant) to do. Green = go, go, go you crazy kids. Participate with abandon!
All in all, this was simple, fun to create, and not expensive to throw together at all. Here's the breakdown:
Glass Jar - $3 (Target dollar spot)
Craft Sticks - $5 (or so - Walmart)
Sharpie - $8 (for an 8-pack that will hopefully include black, Walmart)
Grand Total to Complete: $16.00
See? Not too shabby at all. You could probably purchase some ribbon, string, burlap or tape to fancy up this jar a bit but - let's be honest - a pretty jar isn't gonna make the ideas inside it any cooler (or less cool, depending on how glass-half-full you are).
I suppose I won't know if this pin really "works' until we have a "what do you wanna do" Saturday but, when we do, I'll be sure to post the pictures of the result.